Vaidybinio filmo „Surask mane“ reklama, ištraukos.
It is a feature film based on the book of Mykolas Sluckis'Film tells the story of a dramatic and painful reality of the post-war Lithuania of 1948. Starting with a young couple walking in the ruins o...
The feature film “Staircase to the sky”: advertisement, excerpts.
Trijų novelių rinkinys apie suaugusiųjų ir vaikų santykius. „Vasara“ – lakūnas Eugenijus ir gydytoja Agnė jau penkerius metus vedę. Pasitaikius progai, jiedu užklysta į savo jaunystės...
Feature film is shot on the basis of the script of Vytautas Rimkevičius “A Village of Death”. Village somewhere in Lithuania after Nazi retreat but before the coming of Russians. Farmhouses are b...
Cast tests for feature film "Cannonade" (working title "Death Village"). In the cast tests take part actors: Valerijonas Derkintis, O.Zališauskaitė, Kazys Jurašiūnas, Stepas Jukna, Irena Leonavi...
The film Adult Games, directed by Algimantas Kundelis, which won R. Adomaitis the title of the best male actor in 1968 in the Baltic, Belarusian and Moldovian Film Festival in Riga, perfectly shows th...